25 Features Every Online Business Must Have in 2017

For a business to truly succeed online, you need to make sure that your website is packed with features! There are tons of small details that can make a huge difference – both in terms of increasing trust with customers, and also giving them extra functions that aid conversions and improve the overall user experience of your site. It can make your business truly unique from others offering a competitive edge.

This infographic shows 25 features that are key to improving your online business from showcasing your contact information to ensuring that you have a great UX structure that’ll boost conversions and aid usability. Both of which are key in 2017! Building trust within your site by adding testimonials, contact information and social media profiles is a sure way of increasing conversion rates. You can increase conversions through design and also by choosing a reliable web hosting provider.

At UK Web Host Review we’ve tested only the best web hosting companies and have featured some fantastic options for find your next hosting company.

5 Healthy Alternatives to Common Snack Types

Snacking is now commonly associated with poor eating habits. Mention the word “snacks” and the first thing we think of are foods loaded with saturated fats and high levels of sugar…potato chips, ice-cream, soft drinks – the list continues. But we all know that the healthiest way to eat, is little and often.  Snacking doesn’t need to be unhealthy or bad for you – we all just need to be better at choosing the right foods to eat.  In this infographic provided by Prep Perfect, you will see a list of healthy alternatives to 5 of the most common snacks:

Why do stock markets like Donald Trump?

Regardless on your politics or where you stand on issues, it is undeniable that the financial markets have greatly improved since President Trump was elected.  Do you ever wonder why that is?  Here is an informative infographic provided by www.iltradingperte.com that explains clearly the top 5 reasons why the financial markets have responded so positively to Donald Trump.

Top 12 Brisbane Removalists Packing Tips

Moving day.  Such a stressful time with so much to do.  It doesn’t to be that difficult though.  The experts at Platinum Furniture Removals has some helpful hints all contained in this informative infographic.  Read through the details and see how easy it can be to accomplish your packing and moving.

The Trillion Dollar Industry of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are in the news. They are happening more often, and the types of attacks are now including “ransom” type attacks that demand money to unlock your files or remove the infection.  The cyber attack industry is fast growing, and these services are greatly needed.  Read through this infographic below detailing the types of attacks and costs to all of us.  Infographic provided by PWNIEExpress.

America’s Most Successful Business Franchises by Industry

Innovation in Business 2017

This innovation infographic contains a mixture of charts and statistics showing how businesses see innovation as part of their business in 2017 and beyond. Innovation, especially among SMEs is increasingly seen as a must-have, rather than something that other companies do.  It cannot be ignored, and if you fall behind on new technology and innovation, you can be left behind by your competition.

The use of the word “innovation” in business literature is increasing in huge numbers, and we predict that consultants that specialize in helping companies to be more innovative will dramatically grow in number over the coming years.

Peanut Butter vs Powdered Peanut Butter

Are you a peanut butter fan? Do you appreciate its health benefits? Then you need to check out this infographic to see how there are other healthy options that may offer higher health benefits than the trusted old peanut butter.  Check out PBFit.  Infographic provided by https://www.betterbodyfoods.com/


Would you think that Olympic trampolines are the same size as regular trampolines? If so, then think again.  There is a big difference (see what I did there?).  Weight limit, height, width, the legs, the spring size, the diameter, and other aspects differ between the two types of trampolines.  And do you know when trampolines were invented?  To find out this and many other interesting facts about trampolines, read through this infographic provided by http://www.skywalkertrampolines.com/

Analysis of Commercial Warehouses in the US

Commercial warehouses have a history worth looking at.  Did you know there was a Warehouse Act of 1916?  Read through this infographic to learn more about the history of warehouses and other useful information about them.  Infographic provided by http://blog.shelving.com/

Casino Popularity Around The World

What cities are the most popular gambling cities?  What are their revenues?  What countries are these casinos in?  Read through this infographic to find out.  Infographic provided by https://www.greektowncasino.com

Motivating Your Kids to Stay Organized

Are your kids motivated?  Do you struggle with keeping them motivated?  The majority of parents today encounter the daily struggle with motivating their children to do their homework, finish their chores, clean your room, etc.  The struggle is real, and it can be a real challenge at times to get the kids moving.  Here is an infographic illustrating how to do this.  Read through this and apply the helpful advice.  Infographic provided by http://blog.theshelvingstore.com/

Spend Less – Get More (Running Shoes Study)

The research that Jens Jakob Andersen (lead researcher) and Wojciech Fedyszyn (assistant) conducted comes to a bunch of really interesting and surprising conclusions when it comes to running shoes, their prices, brands and level of satisfaction. The guys analyzed 134,867 user reviews from 391 running shoes at RunRepeat.

Other than that, the researchers also made use of list prices from 24 brands on the same running shoes. Doing that allowed Jens and Wojciech to get both shoe and brand specific data as a result of their meticulous work. It goes without saying that it’s not 100% perfect (as any other study out there) so you still need to take that into account while looking through the results.

You can rest assured that you will be surprised at least a few times. For one, it turns out that you don’t really need to spend tons of money to be happy with your running shoes. Though it may sound extremely counterintuitive, the study proves that the price of your running shoes and the level of satisfaction with your running shoes are not proportionally dependent at all.

Moreover, it looks that the higher is the price of the running shoes, the higher are the odds that you will not be satisfied with your running shoes. Go figure! On that note, it works the other way around as well. The cheaper is the price of your running shoes, the higher is the chance that you’re actually going to be satisfied with your buy.


Oregon Demolition Pros Talk Scrap Metal Recycling Benefits

A good portion of the metal we use today in our everyday products, buildings, vehicles, etc. has already been recycled at least once already.  We have an industry that specializes in scrap metal, and we can thank them for this recycling.  Every wonder why scrap metal matters?  Curious about how demolition contractors play a key role every day in the business of recycling building materials?  Read through this infographic for interesting details about metals.  Infographic provided by http://www.elderdemolition.com/oregondemolitionscrapmetal

Naturopathic Doctors Explain Women’s Immune Health

This infographic examines women’s immune health, including: the top threats to immune health, inflammation, cancer, autoimmune disorders, allergies, asthma, skin conditions and more.

See more at http://heartspringhealth.com/2016/09/naturopathic-doctors-explain-womens-immune-health/


Five Questions About Chiropractic

According to a new Gallup report commissioned by Palmer College of Chiropractic, 33.6 million U.S. adults (14 percent) seek chiropractic care each year.

The report, officially named, the “Gallup-Palmer College of Chiropractic Inaugural Report: Americans’ Perceptions of Chiropractic,” also indicates that more than half of U.S. adults view doctors of chiropractic positively and agree they’re effective at treating neck and back pain.

Key highlights:

  • Two-thirds (61 percent) of adult Americans believe chiropractors are effective at treating neck and back pain.
  • The majority (57 percent) of adults are likely to see a chiropractor for neck or back pain.
  • More than 1/2 of all U.S. adults have visited a chiropractor, and more than 1/4 of them would choose chiropractic care first for back or neck pain.
  • Nearly 1/2 of all U.S. adults don’t know if their insurance covers chiropractic care.

This first-ever nationally representative annual survey measured perceptions of, and experiences with, chiropractic among U.S. adults. The survey will be repeated for at least two more years as part of Palmer College’s on-going effort to study and advance the profession’s identity and public understanding of chiropractic care.

Highlights of the study are available online from Gallup. The full report also is online. In addition, a scientific article based on this research, titled “Public Perceptions of Doctors of Chiropractic: Results of a National Survey and Examination of Variation According to Respondents’ Likelihood to Use Chiropractic, Experience With Chiropractic, and Chiropractic Supply in Local Health Care Markets,” was published by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT).

Infographic provided by http://www.palmer.edu/


Sports Chiropractor

Competing as an athlete is tougher than ever.  Against mounting competition, even minor improvements in performance can make a huge difference on the field.  That’s why athletes are increasingly turning to chiropractors specializing in sports care to hep them train more effectively, prevent injuries and reduce recovery times.  Infographic provided by http://www.palmer.edu/


Managing Electricians in the Field: Tools to Help Them Succeed

Losing a potential customer due to an error on a quote or a missed appointment is not only embarrassing, but also avoidable. Having all-in-one field service software that is customized for electricians makes it easy to be efficient, error-free and on time every time! Our infographic includes stats on how using this type of software increases productivity including helping workers complete jobs 20% faster and accomplishing 47% more jobs each day!

Infographic provided by http://my360e.com/


Parenting in the Digital Age

There’s no denying that being a parent has changed a lot in the past 20-30 years. Since most teens tend to stay in front of a gadget instead of going outside and play, it can be very hard for a parent to use the same approach as a few decades ago.

Being a parent nowadays can be overwhelming especially since it can be very hard to limit our kids when it comes to smartphone usage. Such devices have become a necessity and while they do a lot of good, they can also harm kids as well.

It can be hard to find the perfect balance between being a great parent all while offering your child the freedom he wants. And with the digital addiction being one of the major issues that teenagers have to face nowadays, it can be very challenging for a parent to find the right approach in this digital age.

We thought long and hard about parenting in the digital age here at Family Orbit and with that in mind we created our latest Infographic. Here you can find out more about teens and smartphones, what digital addiction means for kids, what sexting does to them and how online predators can affect their lives! At the end of the Infographic you can also find some of the bestdigital parenting techniques that will help you keep your child safe, techniques that will help you obtain incredible results in a short amount of time.  Infographic provided by http://blog.familyorbit.com/


Neutraceutical Merchant Accounts

Nutraceuticals are a leading global industry. Whether the supplement is used for increased immunity, energy/mental focus, digestive tracts, or suppressing a cold or the flu, the general public is bombarded by these products. As nutraceuticals are such a main stay in the general market, the industry itself is flagged as high risk. This means that merchant service providers are hesitant to take on clients in this industry. When you cannot receive the service you need, Bankcard Brokers is here for all high risk industry businesses.

Infographic provided by http://www.bankcardbrokers.com/

